AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT

RX 5700 XT Price Tracker EU

Cards With similar Performace

Radeon Pro 57008330
Radeon Pro W57008441
Radeon RX 5700 XT9410
Release Date:2019
Power usage:225W
Video Memory:8GB

RX 5700 XT Price

The AMD RX 5700 XT release price (MSRP) in EU was €431 (converted from dollars) at launch. Currently the RX 5700 XT retail price is €260 on Amazon. AMD RX 5700 XT used price is around €159.

Is RX 5700 XT Worth It?

No, despite its higher price point of €260, the Radeon RX 5700 XT proves disappointing when purchased new. For similarly price Radeon RX 7600 has 15.0% better 3DMark score compared to Radeon RX 5700 XT .

RX 5700 XT vs RX 7600

When venturing into the second-hand market, the Radeon RX 5700 XT proves to be a cost-effective choice. It successfully edges out the Radeon RX 6600, the next alternative in this price range, showing a benchmark performance lead of 15.3%.

RX 5700 XT vs RX 6600